Scientia Ancilla Fidei

Posted by Censor Librorum on Dec 19, 2006 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

When I was in Washington last week I was half-tempted to hop into a cab and go over and visit Trinity College, my alma mater. My time at Trinity, and the wonderful teachers, administrators and students I encountered there, provided the moral compass I have used all my life. The need to keep a sharp intellect and curious mind; the never-ending desire to learn; and the underlying moral foundation to hold it all–are the product of my Trinity education.

Pat McGuire, the president of Trinity (and also my classmate!) was featured in a recent NY Times article, “Erasing Divide, College Leaders Take to Blogging.” Pat started out to use blogging as a way to connect with the campus community, and discourse on the issues of the day. It was a way for her to talk to everybody a couple of times a week.

“And she does: about Representative Nancy Pelosi, class of 1962, who will be the first female speaker of the House; about election results; about breaking ground for a memorial to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; about lesbian alumnae and the Roman Catholic Church, sensitive ground for a Catholic undergraduate college serving mostly minority and low-income women.

Dr. McGuire wrote that the church’s rejection of same-sex unions does not mean that the ‘alma mater must shun her daughters.’ She added, ‘All alumnae are welcome at Trinity, always.'”

Thank you, Pat.

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