Kloster Gethsemani

Posted by Censor Librorum on Apr 17, 2007 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

“You don’t have to travel across the seas,
you don’t have to break through the clouds,
you don’t have to cross the mountains –
the way God showed you is not far:
You just have to go inside yourself to find Him.”

According to that saying of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux it should be easy
to find God. But – am I really inside myself, am I “at home”?

Saint Bernard knew that there are many things that take our mind off when we want to
“return to our heart” as he says. But only in returning to the depth of our heart
we’ll find ourselves-and thus we also shall be able to find God..

The above is from an introduction to Kloster Gethsemani, a monastery of Trappistine nuns located near the village of Dannenfels, Germany. It was founded in 1984. It sounds like a place I have been looking for. I will try to spend a few days there in retreat when/if I travel to Europe this fall.


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