Parish Picnic

Posted by Censor Librorum on Aug 16, 2007 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

The parish picnic is coming up soon, and this year’s food and dress theme is our family heritage. We were asked to bring a dish (salad or dessert) from the country of our origin.

This presented a problem for us, because between the two of us nine countries are represented. We have no heritage in common…who do we pick? Lori opted out, so then I needed to choose among my seven sets of ancestors who to represent.

A neighbor is going as an American. Being a 12th generation American (1629) I could have gone as one, too, but that meant either making a jello mold with fruit cocktail in it, tollhouse cookies, or joining other parishioners in line at Briermere’s to get an apple pie.

So, I decided to go German for the event, and ordered apple strudel and a peach almond tart from Junda’s Crust & Crumb. I hope they made it untouched to the picnic…

In honor of my Prussian heritage I will wear a black shirt and white shorts. Lori is wearing her “Italian gondolier” shirt. I’m sure we’ll be able to find one another in a sea of green (two kinds), red, white, and red, white and blue.

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