Knowledge Supports Faith

Posted by Censor Librorum on Sep 10, 2007 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

“Sciencia Ancilla Fidei” is the motto of my alma mater. I always have my nose in a book. I love to learn new things about people, the world, nature and myself.

Each fall for the last several years I usually sign up for a course on a topic I love. One year was archaeology; another The Silk Road; years prior to that, sports marketing, herbology, and a lenten series focusing on Christ as a Jew. I always meet as least one fascinating person who is as great to sit next to and learn from as the course itself.

Yesterday I signed up for TWO weekly courses this semester: one lunchtime discussion and one class right after work. “Abandonment to Divine Providence” will discuss the spiritual classic of the same name written in the 18th century by Fr. Jean-Pierre De Caussade, S.J.

Topics to be discussed include the “complete surrender to the will of God as the essence of spirituality”, the role of faith in “accepting with joy everything that happens to us”, and “all will be well if we abandon ourselves to God.”

The second course, “Beginning Church Latin” will teach the fundamentals of Latin grammar and will familiarize participants with the Church Latin a lay person might encounter.

There was one disadvantage to going to public school: no Latin. Instead of mumbling and stumbling through most chants and prayers, I would like to be able to say or chant them correctly. I would also like to understand what I’m saying, as opposed to just phonetically saying words.

I’m hoping we learn the Angelus and Regina Coeli so I can use them for the Liturgy of the Hours.

I’m looking forward to it!

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