Where Ashes Lead

Posted by Censor Librorum on Feb 6, 2008 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

“Turn away from sin and hear the Good News” is how the woman blessed me placing ashes on my forehead this morning.

During his homily, the priest said by wearing ashes we are announcing we are like everyone else – broken, imperfect, and in need of healing. We are publicly committing to penance and positive change.

He went on to say Jesus gave us three ways that we can be cleansed and healed during this time of Lent-through giving alms, prayer and fasting.

Do we give to others through our time, talent, and treasure? Do we ask for the grace of God’s forgiveness and transforming love? Does fasting-not only from some foods but also behaviors-provide the opportunity we need to examine our choices and priorities?

A wise woman wrote, “Lent asks us to pray passionately for the humility to meet our demons head on. These 40 days of Lent demand that we rethink our relationships, not only to God and others, but to food, to our words and deeds, to the ways in which we spend our time and money.”

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2 Responses to “Where Ashes Lead”

  1. Denis St. Paris Says:

    In the Catholic Church, no laity has the power to "bless" anyone, and certainly not a woman. This priestly-emphasis-on-laity/feminism within Holy Mother Church is part of Her downfall.

    Sinners, we all are…called to Holiness.

  2. Censor Librorum Says:

    Denis, I have read your comment several times and it still doesn’t make any sense. Of course people, woman among them, can bless someone. What do you think making the sign of the cross means?

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