Pious Trash: Father Paul Scalia’s Book Review

Posted by Censor Librorum on Nov 29, 2019 | Categories: Arts & Letters, Humor, Pious Trash

This week’s Pious Trash award belongs to Father Paul Scalia of Arlington, Virginia for his review of The Day is Now Far Spent by Cardinal Robert Sarah.

“Cardinal Sarah is a prophet of piety – of that virtue that prompts man to look joyfully to what came before him to receive with reverence what his fathers bestow. The cardinal himself displays a deep piety. He knows that what he has to proclaim is not his own but something received. Accordingly, he quotes heavily from St. John Paul II/Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict, and the Church’s tradition more generally. Piety remembers and preserves the gifts of the past. …. Cardinal Sarah’s look to the past is not just a nostalgic lament for what once was.  It is a warning against being cut off from what makes us who we are: the Church’s saving doctrine and liturgical tradition, the Christian heritage of Europe, and, most of all, the family. …The current doctrinal confusion, ‘capitalist materialism,’ and gender ideology harm the poor disproportionately. As the ‘guardian of human nature’ the Church defends the world’s weak, powerless and poor by defending the truth about man.” 

Hmmmm. I thought the poor were harmed disproportionately by pollution, war, drug crime, human trafficking, lack of access to good food, jobs and education.  Shouldn’t that be as much of a priority for the Church and churchmen as blasting society on condoms and lipstick?

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One Response to “Pious Trash: Father Paul Scalia’s Book Review”

  1. Póló Says:

    As the ‘guardian of human nature’ the Church defends the world’s weak, powerless and poor by defending the truth about man.

    Certainly that is what it ought to be doing.

    The number of angels on the head of a pin should not matter. The Dicastery responsible for determining this should be abolished. It has an appalling record of targeting the wrong people for the wrong reasons.

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