The Happiest Day

Posted by Censor Librorum on Mar 21, 2006 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

Even though it is the middle of Lent, I have started my preparations for Easter. I started by going back to the gym, to sweat, workout, and build up strength in my body and spirit after a long winter of lethargy. I need to get back in shape and endurance to kayak. I called up the marina, and told them I would be bringing my kayak, the Blue Duck, out the afternoon of Holy Thursday. After a fall and winter in the shed she needs to get her dust and cobwebs cleaned off. She’ll be cleaned with salt water and soft soap, rubbed down and polished, and ready to go. That evening, after lingering as long as I can near the bay, I will go to the Tenebrae (Latin for shadows or darkness) service. Then begins the waiting, with the feeling of abandonment and edge of sorrow that will last through Easter Vigil. The dawn of Easter morning will find me on the water watching the sunrise. It illuminates the water and the edges of the bay. Silent and watchful, in the hand of the tide, among the creatures of the air and other creatures of the sea, I will see the sun make landfall. The coming of the light on Easter morning is always so special. It fills me with gladness, on the happiest day of the year.

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