Trust is it?

Posted by Christine Nusse on Aug 16, 2006 | Categories: Seasons of the Spirit

Today I decided to delete FreeCell (a computer game) from my computer at work. I had become quite addicted! So much time and energy -and eye sight- went in improving my average (74%!) that it had to stop.
On a related -or not- note, this blog has been left to gather dust for too long. It’s not that I had nothing to write, or no time to write it. But a certain “blah” took over my spiritual self after the hooplas of Lent and Easter were over and done. Prayer then was easier, more satisfactory and comforting. Alas the “blah” brought up a slack in my daily prayer routine, and the slack led to guilt which succeeded in insinuating a definite lack of trust in Christ.
This is always the same story! And do not tell me there is no devil at work in that sleek sequence of events: slack in perseverance- lassitude- guilt- mistrust.
Walking on the beach I took a photo which heads this blog. An old rusty anchor sunk in the sand and mud. Come storms and fogs, hurricanes even, it remains put. High tide, low tide, it is always there. The day I took the photo the waters were clear and calm.

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