Lay Spirits

Posted by Censor Librorum on Nov 22, 2006 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

Through the St. Francis Xavier Catholic lesbian group, I have been introduced to the group, Lay Spirits. I spoke with one of the facilitators yesterday, and a new group will be forming early in December. Even though the time commitment is substantial, I am pretty sure I will join.

Lay Spirits began almost 20 years ago, when a group of people at St. Francis Xaxier came together to deepen their faith life. The group employs Ignatian spirituality among its tools. Once a week, they meet to pray, discuss and hear guest speakers. Every six weeks, a Saturday is spent together as part of a Day of Recollection. A week’s retreat is held in the summer. The group is together for one year’s time. After a year, they formally disband. Many of the alums appear to stay in touch.

Over the years, as group membership has broadened to include non-Catholics, even non-Christians. The group I am considering becoming part of will have about 10-12 members.The ages of the people in the group range from late 20s to early 60s. It is facilitated by two women.

Lay Spirits seems to have a lot of qualities I am looking for: a small spiritual community with time and place for study, conversation, individual and group prayer and retreats.

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One Response to “Lay Spirits”

  1. Jordan Says:

    I am working with the shul that I sometimes attend and my partner belongs to to abolish the term non-jewish. I thought that the term non-Catholic went away with Vatican II. It’s exclusive and keeps people out rather than inviting people in. Do you call your black friends non-white (the example I used when I asked the rabbinical intern to call us when we met for the first time to start our group of ‘partners and spouses who are members who are members of others faiths or none at all.’
    Just a suggestion.
    Lay spirits sounds interesting. I wonder how traditional they will be?

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