The Lobster Roll

Posted by Censor Librorum on Nov 23, 2006 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

The lobster roll is an East End/Cape Cod kind of dish that combines lobster salad on a toasted hot dog bun. The lobster salad is mostly chunks of tail and claw meat with a little bit of mayonnaise and a little bit of celery. It is delicious and rich beyond belief. The trick is to eat one without having the lobster salad drop from the bun. This takes practice and panache.

Here it is Thanksgiving…and I’m already thinking about lobster rolls. Well, that’s me, always on to the next thing. But it was also prompted by seeing this wonderful ad in the local paper: Winter is Coming! Store Bodyfat Now! The Lobster Roll Northside – Late Fall Menu is Out!

How could I resist such a wonderful ad! Maybe after all the turkey and stuffing is digested we can waddle over to The Lobster Roll for one last bite before they close for the winter. At the first chomp it will feel like summer again.

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