Fight Like a Woman

Posted by Censor Librorum on Jan 18, 2007 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

Last month at the marketing conference I participated in a “Rock, Paper, Scissors” competition. Participants really got into it, challenging, betting and racking up victories. In a room that was 2/3 men and 1/3 women, the “Final Four” were three women and one man. Two women duked it out for Grand Champion. Do not be fooled–women are fierce competitors. We love to fight as much as reach consensus.

Now, Pillow Fighting matches are crossing the border from Canada to the US! Perhaps some enterprising lesbian club owner can incorporate these matches so contestants can clobber one another to settle disputes, establish sexual desirability, beat off challenges to their girlfriend(s), and other things lesbians can get steamed up about.

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