Catching Sundown

Posted by Censor Librorum on May 15, 2007 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

A book of poetry caught my eye.

Catching Sundown – Poems about life on the North Fork by Peter C. Leverich, is for sale at Burton’s Books in Greenport. I’m going to stop by and pick up a copy Saturday morning. Mr. Leverich, a former NY Times writer and also software developer, has settled down in Southold. He writes about Peconic Bay, the tides, gulls, horseshoe crabs – familiar sights and sounds for us next door in Greenport, too.

Catching Sundown seems like the kind of book I can tuck in my bag and carry around to read at different times and places. I can pull up at Preston’s dock and take a break with the book, coffee and a muffin. I can read a few lines, and look out and see the characters in action on the bay.

I also have an idea to bring it with me to church. I have a need for inspiration closer to home and nature.

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