Eight I Read

Posted by Censor Librorum on Sep 17, 2007 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

Eight I read for news, views, thought, books, and ideas for this blog and stuff to ponder at church or sitting on the porch.

www.therevealer.org – The Revealer is a daily review of religion and the press published at the Department of Journalism and the Center for Religion and the Media at New York University.

www.commonwealmagazine.org – Biweekly journal of opinion run by lay Catholics. Covers politics, religion and culture.

www.zenit.org – a news agency specializing in the coverage of teh Holy Father, life in the Holy See and events of interest to the Church.

www.forward.com – The Forward is an American Jewish Newspaper. I especially enjoy the Arts & Culture section.

www.closedcafeteria.blogspot.com – The Cafeteria is Closed. A conservative Catholic blogger.

www.arlenegoldbard.com – Arlene Goldbard is a writer, social activist and consultant. Her blog covers culture, politics and spirituality.

www.whispersintheloggia.blogpspot.com – A blog that covers a wide range of Church gossip and news.

www.thewildreed.blogspot.com – Thoughts and reflections from a progressive, gay, Catholic perspective.

Suggestions for additional reading?

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