Son of Da Vinci Code

Posted by Censor Librorum on Mar 30, 2006 | Categories: Lesbian in a Catholic Sort of Way

Holy Moley, more Catholic Church conspiracies!

The headlines in the rabid Christianist web site WorldNetDaily scream!: “Satanic art in the Catholic Church exposed–Documentary links clergy sex abuse with occult imagery.” The posit of this film, The Rape of the Soul, is that the Roman Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandal is tied to embedded Satanic, sexual and occult imagery in historical and contemporary Catholic religious artwork. “Experts” featured in this “documentary” offer detailed accounts of how this subconscious programming is primarily aimed at children and clergy. The Italian producer, Michael A. Calace, explains, “Artists from DaVinci to Botticelli have embedded subliminal images in their art for centuries. In this case we founded penises on crucifixes, anarchy symbols, swastikas, demonic faces and in modern works even the word “sex” encrypted into the images. The works in question include modern artists’ work currently on the covers of missalettes and hymnals that at this very moment sit in the pews of churches throughout the U.S. and on children’s religious teaching aids.” Another “expert” on pornography added, “These images, unrecognized by the untrained eye, can be a ticking time bomb to an individual who is unaware of their presence, especially someone who is already exposed to deviant sexual behavior.”

Somebody tell me….please…why is it all these guardians of morality love to talk about sex–especially “perverted” sex–with such gusto?! Could it be repressed desire and unfulfilled lust have something to do with the visions of genitalia that torment them so?

I checked, and so far the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Film and Broadcasting hasn’t rated the film. They did have some nice things to say about “Transamerica,” but they still gave it an “O”. An “O” rating for most Catholics means – go to see it for sure.

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